Geraldine Lee Waxman, Esq
Geraldine Lee Waxman, Esq, is a Primary Family Mediation Trainer. She is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator and was trained as an Elder Mediation Trainer.
She is an Advanced Practitioner of the Association of Conflict Resolution an International Association of Mediators. Geraldine received her mediation training at Harvard University in conjunction with the American Bar Association and advanced training with the John Haynes Institute in the early 1980’s.
She is the past President of the Broward County Women Lawyers’ Association, a founding member and past President of the Association of South Florida Mediators and Arbitrators, and a founding member of the Matrimonial Association of Broward County.
Geraldine was instrumental in creating a program for the American Arbitration Association for mediators in Florida in the early 1980’s. She has lectured on mediation for numerous state and local agencies as well as private groups.
Geraldine has authored many articles on mediation as well as law review articles and co-authored a book on stepfamilies “Whose Kid is it Anyway.” Her private practice deals with all family situations.
I've been training mediators for over thirty-five years the proven old fashioned way, in person and face to face. The recent changes in our living circumstances have caused education of all types and at all levels to think of remote learning via computer to be an equivalent replacement to the traditional learning experience. This could not be further from the truth at most every level and especially for mediation.
If you just want a certificate to hang on your wall, then it only takes sitting at home and passively watching a screen. But that's not a true and ideal learning process to produce the best and most competent mediators any more than a computer screen can replace teachers and professors in a room full of your children in public schools.
While mediation training classes are permitted to take up to forty people at a time, I have always been of the opinion that a group of ten people makes for the most successful trainings and that is why I limit my classes to that number.
Those techniques are not best learned simply by watching a screen but, rather by the live role plays I use to give trainees the true feeling of interaction with others. These live skills are what they will need in the process of teaching clients how to hear and listen to each other during the trying times and well after when children are involved.
Over the sixteen hour training, you will have one primary trainer, completely involved in the total process with you and directly dealing with all your questions as they arise. You will also have the additional benefit of learning from the questions of others. The intimate size of the group makes for better communications between trainer and trainees leading to a far more complete learning environment and the mastering of the skills needed to be the best mediator you can be. You cannot get that from a screen.